All Appointments Are Now
Online Only

For your comfort, convenience and privacy, we are now conducting all sessions via Zoom videoconferencing.

Contact us today to schedule your free 25-minute initial consultation!

Move Closer®

 Imago Therapy for Couples, Parents and Children


You Want to Help Your Child ...
     But How?

Young mother with 3 year old boy hugging her Contact Us Now! I’ve Tried Everything

When your child continues to suffer from behavioral problems like being disruptive, acting out, not listening or not following directions, you may begin to feel helpless or hopeless. You may begin to feel as if you’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work.

There is Hope

Knowing what is behind your child’s behavior is the key to changing it. Using a variety of therapeutic techniques including Imago Therapy, we can help you understand your child, yourself, and the interactions between the two of you.

Knowledge is Power

Once we understand your relationship, we can also show you new ways to engage with your child that will help their behavior change for the better.

A Closer Connection

In addition, we can show you how to practice the Imago Therapy communication techniques with your children, so that your relationship can grow and thrive again.

Contact Us Today

For your free 25-minute consultation, please call or email us today!



Recommended Books about Children

Books about Children

Meet Morella Hammer

Meet Morella Hammer

Morella Hammer, MA, LMFT
Certified Imago Therapist

Free Consultation

Wondering if Imago Therapy can improve your life and relationships?

Find out today!  Contact us now by phone or email to schedule your FREE 25-minute consultation.


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Online & Office Visits

Pasadena Family Therapy is proud to provide psychotherapy and mental health services such as psychological counseling, consultation, and assessment services both online and at our Pasadena office:

  • Pasadena Office

    595 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 205

    Pasadena, CA 91101

    Map & Directions
verified by Psychology Today