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For your comfort, convenience and privacy, we are now conducting all sessions via Zoom videoconferencing.

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Move Closer®

 Imago Therapy for Couples, Parents and Children


Want to Help Your Infant Thrive?

Young mother with smiling baby in her lap Contact Us Now! The World's Toughest Job

Being the mother of an infant is an amazing but sometimes very difficult job. Either it’s your first and there are so many things you don’t yet know, or in addition to caring for your infant you’ve got a toddler or other children demanding your attention too! This can cause stress and ruptures in the relationship with your infant.

Counseling Can Help

Morella Hammer, LMFT is an Infant & Early Childhood Specialist with extensive experience in the zero-to-five age group. She knows how to help mothers feel more connected to their babies and how to help infants grow healthy and thrive.

Infant Massage

Morella is also a certified Infant Massage Instructor.

Infant Massage can help provide relief from common discomforts, regulate sleep patterns and promote bonding and attachment. It can help parents better understand and respond to infant cues and feel more confident and competent as care-givers.

Help is Available

It may be the world’s toughest job, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. To learn how we can help you & your baby, please call us at 818-749-9434 or email us using the form below.



Sensational Baby® Workshop

Sensational Baby® Logo Contact Us Now! Cost:  $250 per family According to Dr. Frederick Laboyer, “Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins.”

The Sensational Baby® Infant Massage Class from Infant Massage USA® is a 5-week course designed to help mothers and fathers learn how to read their baby's cues and apply the appropriate infant massage techniques. This class is taught by Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM) Morella Hammer, LMFT.

Infant massage benefits both infant and parents. For the infant, it can help provide relief from common discomforts, regulate sleep patterns and promote bonding and attachment. It can also help parents better understand and respond to infant cues and feel more confident and competent as care-givers. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Sensational Baby® Workshop


Recommended Books about Infants

Books about Infants

Meet Morella Hammer

Meet Morella Hammer

Morella Hammer, MA, LMFT
Certified Imago Therapist

Free Consultation

Wondering if Imago Therapy can improve your life and relationships?

Find out today!  Contact us now by phone or email to schedule your FREE 25-minute consultation.


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Pasadena Family Therapy is proud to provide psychotherapy and mental health services such as psychological counseling, consultation, and assessment services both online and at our Pasadena office:

  • Pasadena Office

    595 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 205

    Pasadena, CA 91101

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