Looking for Supervision?
Safety is Important
As a Certified CAMFT Supervisor, we strive to create an atmosphere of trust, respect, and safety for those we supervise. Why? Because failing to do so can leave supervisees feeling judged and afraid to try interventions – interventions that would benefit the clients.
Instead we employ Reflective Supervision, a relationship-based approach which has the same basic components as Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT).
What is Reflective Supervision?
With Reflective Supervision the supervisor strives to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, safety and collegiality with the supervisee. Supervision is looked at as a vehicle for promoting growth and development in a supportive and encouraging manner. These qualities allow the supervisee to feel heard and valued, which in turn promotes deeper learning and the exploration of complex issues.
Reflective Supervision utilizes the parallel process – the foundational aspect of relationship-based work – and as such the supervisor engages the supervisee in a collaborative, problem-solving process rather than telling them what to do. And because of this, the supervisee is more likely to engage their clients in a similar manner.
Mindfulness is also emphasized in Reflective Supervision, to help increase awareness and calmness in supervisees.
Contact Us Today
If you're in need of supervision we'd love to hear from you, especially if you're an Imago Trainee. Call or email us today!
Looking for a Job?
You've Come to the Right Place
Pasadena Family Therapy is hiring full and part time licensed mental health professionals and associates to work with individuals, couples, parents and children. Specializations in Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) or Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) are a plus!
Contact Us Today
If you'd like to join our team, please call or email us today.
Prepare/Enrich® Certification Workshop
The Prepare/Enrich® Certification Workshop is designed to help facilitators (counselors, clergy, or mentors) learn how to administer the Prepare/Enrich® relationship inventory.
You'll learn how to provide feedback to premarital and married couples using six core and over 20 supplemental exercises. You'll also discover how to help couples identify their strengths and growth areas in categories such as Communication, Conflict Resolution, Spiritual Beliefs and Financial Management.

With Prepare/Enrich®, you don't just get a packet of instructions to figure out on your own. You'll get thorough training on the program, providing you with the skills you need to use the Prepare/Enrich® materials most effectively.
You'll learn how to:
- Administer the online assessment
- Interpret couples' reports
- Provide useful feedback to couples
- Guide couples' exercises
- Teach relationship skills
- Work more effectively with couples
Be a part of the nation's leading relationship inventory program, with over 4 million couples served. Get Certified – Enroll Today!
Prepare/Enrich® Certification